Wednesday, November 27, 2019

poetry and story inn fridays week 58, humor week 27, hyde park poetry week 93, short story slam week 130

Image result for new china buffet

sometimes, an asian buffett serves well in providing variety and alter taste of nutrition

Image result for new china buffet  feel free to dine

Image result for new china buffet milwaukee    fried dumplings are great
Image result for trevor kastner 

nice people in some Agricultural industry

Image result for poetry and thanksgiving

Image result for egg drop soup   egg drop soup

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

short story slam week 129, humor week 26

Image result for thanksgiving

Image result for thanksgiving

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Saturday, September 14, 2019

humor week 23, hyde park poetry week 92

Image result for China Jiliang University 

a school of computation and relaxing
we take it as a good company
which means nice, and stillnice

Monday, August 19, 2019

humor week 21, poetry form week 17, poetry and story inn fridays week 52

poetry form of 2018  (III): FATTN (Whersinz)

---Five and Twenty Two NZ
---5 lines and 22 words

a sample FATTN (WHERSINZ) poetry form is shown below
accoring to Lori Webster (II)

pause! look left!
see pat quinn mop wildcats,
See george bush turnpikes west teaxs
see tom wolfe preach Pittsburg,
Laugh! Write FATTN!

 another sample

Maxima, how are you?
san jose could be fun
so does princeton and beijing,
when nighttime comes
we do dream a lot

Saturday, July 27, 2019

short story slam week 122, poetry and story inn fridays week 50

Image result for oranges 

Image result for oranges

orange hue
green shade
what a day to spend time counting
we count our blessings
a poem is a good meaning

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

poets rally week 91, short stroy slam week 119, humor week 20

Image result for summer vacation begins

blogging is hot
i yell
i shout
i am aloud and noisy
i feel cool air
i escape summer heat in Hawaii

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

poetry picnic week 48, 49....poetry and story inn fridays week 36, 45, short story slam week 114

poetry picnic week 48, new year special (happy 2019): January, Spring, Wishes, and Refreshed Faith  

 Image result for 51th birthday  51first birthday to james murphy

poets rally week 88, Christmas Special...know your potential readers, visit university of Delaware, Wilmington university...have fun grow more poetic passion there 

  Image result for happy birthday balloons  jiahong, 51 birthday, 1/2/2019, tom, merry christmas

Image result for happy 21th birthday cake              21th birthday for thomas washington

sometimes, we depend on friends oversea,
thus, we vaue some support,
also may have good folks invite, support back
Thanks for the web viewing...
traveling is great
Xiang Xuan and more
Bo Xu and Yeping Li
Tara Robinson and Leigha Layton
they line up to write Chinese stories
Xi Mingze,
she is nice in Perry
A. B. Thomas, he seems okay
when Jamie Dedes and Yao Yao agree
Yuan Peng joins Tom L. Wu and sit...   

short story slam week 114

Image result for bluebell books twitter club 

ancient logic
someone sings aloud
forgive maggie for showing a big belly

a lady is timid
a bird is small
we allow lots of life being tough in hollywood